Welcome to Ramay

Principal's Message
Dear Students,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Ramay Junior High School. Our school is a community where people offer strength and support to each other. It is a community that offers personal growth to everyone, a good place to learn, to work and to be.
Throughout life, no matter where you go or what you do; you will find certain regulations to guide you. Naturally, there are rules and regulations at Ramay Junior High School. These guidelines have been established for your benefit. Respect should be shown for the property, rights, and privileges of others, just as you expect and appreciate this respect when others show it to you. You are accountable to the school authorities concerning your conduct while you are a school citizen. Good behavior can help make your school life a happy and rewarding one.
Ramay Junior High School will always be a part of your life when you leave. Take pride in it now. Help make it a better place, day by day, through the better ways you perform your tasks and behave. Strive to do your best in all your endeavors at Ramay and reap the rewards for a lifetime.
Dr. Christopher Johnson