Our mission is to hire, retain, and reward high-performing staff. We have a highly competitive salary schedule, as well as an excellent benefits package. Learn more about Fayetteville Public Schools here!

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: The Fayetteville Public School District does not discriminate in its policies, programs, and practices on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, handicap, national origin, or ancestry. Inquiries concerning the application of this may be referred to the District Equity Coordinator, Greg Mones, 1000 West Bulldog Blvd, (479) 444-3000.

HR Important Date/Deadlines

Feb. 6 - Letter of Intent sent out to Certified Staff.
Feb. 15 - Deadline to submit Letter of Intent for Certified Staff.
Mar. 1 - Deadline to request In-District Transfer for Certified Staff.
Apr. 1 - Deadline to submit your return from LOA for Fall Semester.
Apr. 3 - First email with instructions for License Renewal for Certified Staff.
May 31 - Deadline to turn in Retirement/T-Drop Forms.

May 31 - Deadline to notify HR of your transfer to another district in the state of Arkansas (for insurance transfer purposes). 
June 30 - Deadline to become Contributory Member of ARTRS.
Aug. 1 - Deadline to submit Study Plan for ALP's.
Aug. 31 - Deadline to submit Transcripts for Salary Credit.
Sept. 15 - Deadline to elect to become a Sick Leave Bank Member.
Oct. 1 - 31 - Open enrollment for Medical Insurance.
Oct. 1 - 31 - Open enrollment for Supplemental Insurance (Vision, Dental, etc.)
Dec. 1 - Deadline to submit your return from LOA for Spring Semester.

Exec. Director:
Greg Mones
Phone: (479) 973.8630
Fax: (479) 973.8614

Michelle Flickinger
Phone: (479) 973.8620
Fax: (479) 973.8614

Benefits Specialist:
Olivia Cosby
Phone: (479) 973.8603
Fax: (479) 973.8614

Haley Siffing
Phone: (479) 973.8687
Fax: (479) 973.8614

Administrative Assistant:
Stacy Pense
Phone: (479) 973.8621
Fax: (479) 973.8614

Email with any questions!