Student studying at home

We have made the decision to transition all Fayetteville Public Schools from in-person to online learning on Wednesday, February 23 due to the predicted inclement weather and road conditions. Wednesday will be considered Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) day. 

Please note: With the possibility of power outages in the area due to the winter storm, students will be able to make up any work assignments on AMI days that are missed or cannot be turned in due to power outages. 

Please review the following information regarding online learning and this transition:


Note: Fayetteville Virtual Academy students will continue coursework from home. 

Students will:

  • Utilize the Internet (either at home, public wifi spot, or district-provided network location) with a district-provided device to access education anytime.

  • Access content and assignments via Google Classroom or Class Dojo.

  • Attend live classroom events via ZOOM to interact with teachers and peers; Secondary students should follow their schedules.

  • Communicate with teachers and classmates about learning. 

  • Complete online formative and summative assessments.

Teachers will:

  • Provide pre-scheduled live classroom events via ZOOM for instruction; students will be marked absent if they do not attend the scheduled ZOOM sessions.

  • Provide digital content to support district curriculum a variety of ways:

    • Online articles

    • Videos to reinforce learning (teacher created is ideal but not required)

    • Other state/district/school provided programs (examples in material) 

  • Assign digital projects to expose students to several mediums

  • Provide opportunities for students to communicate their learning 

  • Provide parents with links and updates regarding class and student information

  • Regularly conduct online formative and summative assessments

  • Communicate with students, parents, and families via communication platforms such as SchoolStatus, Class Dojo, or Google Classroom.

Parents can:

  • Contact teachers and administrators about their child’s education

  • Access their child’s progress through a parent portal


  • FPS is a 1:1 district, all students in kindergarten through twelfth grade are assigned a device for learning at school and at home.

  • Chromebook insurance is available for $35 for a 12 month period and covers the first repair to a device and discounted repairs on subsequent repairs. Insurance may be purchased online at

  • Any student experiencing problems with their device should contact their homeroom teacher for further direction on technical support.

  • Families should reach out to local Internet providers to explore low-cost options available that meet their Internet access needs. Those who need additional support should contact their building principal.  

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.