Hello Families, Creative Cats Clubs will begin September 3rd. We are making a few changes to enrollment this year. There are a few changes to how we will fill our clubs this year. In order for everyone to have an equal chance of securing a spot we will collect forms for one week and then use a lottery format to fill the rosters. This will give your family time to think about choices for clubs. Also, families who have their child enrolled in clubs for all 5 days for child care purposes (along with the great programming!) will be placed on the rosters first. Please take time to read the registration form when choosing the clubs and let me know if you have any questions. You can find the registration form on the Washington Elementary School PTO (Fayetteville, AR) facebook page and it will come home in Monday papers.
Tara Lechtenberger
School Counselor
Washington Elementary

Creative Cats Clubs will begin September 3rd.
August 12, 2019