October 15, 2019
Student flu shots will be available. Make sure you completed the FERPA form and Department of Health form sent home with your student. Thanks! Please note that no flu mist will b...

October 9, 2019
Forms went home in Monday's papers. Send your forms and money in by October 18. Armbands will be sent home October 21st. They will also be available for purchase at th...

October 9, 2019
We will learn about Encore classes, discuss the budget and answer questions. Please join us! Free childcare for school age children.

September 30, 2019
Washington Elementary Students and Staff appreciate everything our fantastic custodians do everyday!

September 30, 2019
Tuesday, October 1st - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Second graders and their families will do a craft that will be displayed in the hall. Join us and enjoy spending time with the 2nd grade...

September 20, 2019
Please support Washington PTO's fundraiser. This is our 2nd biggest fundraiser all year - and means our kids don’t sell anything! When attending the Bikes, Blues and BBQ events, ...

September 19, 2019
School closed September 27 for Teacher Inservice. Will reopen on September 30.

September 18, 2019
One of the fun traditions of Washington Elementary School is the Fall Festival. As 4th Grade Parents, you (along with your 4th Grade accomplices) are tasked with creating and man...

September 11, 2019
Spirit Signs Available to Support the School’s Children’s Fund!
Washington Elementary School’s Spirit Signs are available to purchase in the office. A donation of $5 (CASH ONLY...

September 11, 2019
The Washington School garden needs your help. Can you help weed, water or weed-eat? Contact me, Stephanie Jordan barnes.jones@gmail.com, for questions or find the sign up sheet on...

September 11, 2019
Bikes Blues and BBQ is nearing! We need your help. You can sign up in the hall by the office for times to help cars park at the Methodist Parking Deck. It’s a GREAT PTO fund rais...

September 6, 2019
Harvest of the Month is hosted by the FPS Seed to Student program to get students excited about eating fresh seasonal foods available where they live. Each month, an Arkansas grow...

September 6, 2019
Thursday, Sept. 12 is Picture Day. You will need to order online or send money in the morning with your child if you want to purchase pictures.

September 6, 2019
Mark your calendars. Don't miss out on any of these exciting activities! PTO meeting Sept. 9 at 6 pm in the Library. Childcare is provided for school age children.

August 15, 2019
Washington's Open House is August 26th at 5:30 pm. Pizza in the cafeteria 6 - 7 pm. Join us!

August 12, 2019
Don't forget . Boohoo/Yeehaw Breakfast tomorrow morning, Tuesday, August 13, in the library after drop-off!
Please join us and be sure to let others know of this event.

August 12, 2019
Hello Families, Creative Cats Clubs will begin September 3rd. We are making a few changes to enrollment this year. There are a few changes to how we will fill our clubs this year....

August 5, 2019
We are trying to get feedback on this year's Kindergarten Camp.
If your child attended Kindergarten Camp last week, please take a moment and complete this short survey: http...

May 20, 2019
"I didn't realize it was the last day of school!" said no teacher ever ..." ENJOY YOUR SUMMER BREAK!!