January 7, 2019
Contact Emily Bridges if you have any recommendations for the Tour of Homes. They are needed immediately. emily.r.bridges@gmail.com

January 7, 2019
Current PTO information on upcoming events for January and February 2019

January 4, 2019
We had a great time in Nature Club before the Christmas break discussing the upcoming Winter Solstice and what that means. We made our own “Stonehenge,” which is a sundial set fo...

December 20, 2018
Happy Holidays! See you on the 7th.

December 12, 2018
You are welcome to attend Washington's Talent Show and Sing-A-Long on December 19th at 9:30 in the Gym. Come be wowed by the talent of some very courageous students in the Talent ...

December 11, 2018
A big thank you to those who came to the PTO Social and a special thanks to Ms. Holt and the Creative Cats After-School Choir who delighted us with some seasonal songs! ...

December 10, 2018
I’m not sure everyone knows about the 4th grade program through the National Park Service.
NPS provides free park passes to all USA 4th graders. Most parks, historic sites and ...

December 10, 2018
Kindergarten is hosting a Check In Night with parents.
When: Tuesday, December 11th Time: 5-6 Location: Go to your child's classroom Purpose: To review procedures for lea...

December 10, 2018
Last call for Lost and Found. In order to prepare for the second semester, we will be taking all clothing items not claimed and giving them to a local charity. Please check the lo...

December 5, 2018
2018 Spelling Bee. Parents are invited.

December 3, 2018
If you are interested in bringing a breakfast dish, please contact Cassie Linton (cassielinton79@gmail.com) or 479-871-5005 and let her know what you plan on bringing (she will be...

December 3, 2018
FPS Seed to Student
December's Harvest of the Month is the awe-inspiring APPLE!
This month students and staff will sample heirloom varieties of apples with yogurt di...

November 30, 2018
You are invited to the PTO Winter Social on December 10. This is a Washington Children's Fund fundraising event. See poster for details.

November 28, 2018
Fayetteville Public Library is proud to display beautiful silhouette artwork by Ms. Buonaiuto's 4th graders from Washington Elementary on the interactive learning and play wall in...

November 28, 2018
The Washington Elementary Music Enrichment Project featuring the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra's Quapaw Quartet was a hit with the kids today! It was fun, engaging, and there was l...

November 27, 2018
Students helping the Random Act of Kindness Team more than met the challenge of our Principal, Ashley McLarty, and Assistant Principal, Ruth Mobley, of donating 500 boxes of Mac a...

November 23, 2018
Each year there are families at Washington who could use a little help providing gifts for the holidays... Given that need, Mrs. Lechtenberger works to provide gifts for those s...

November 23, 2018
Grade Date Test Time 1st November 27 Reading 8:30-Done 1st November 28 Math 8:30-done K November 29 Reading 8:30-done K November 30 Math 8:30-done ...

November 22, 2018
Washington wishes you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving ! Wishing you the gift of faith and the blessing of hope this thanksgiving day! We gather on this day to be thank...

November 16, 2018
Thanks to the volunteer crew of April Heard , Barry Burns, and Chelsea Duncan Rodman for all their work setting things up for today’s Thanksgiving Luncheon!
And special thanks...