October 19, 2018
Flu Clinic for students will be Tuesday, October 30 at 1:00 pm. This will be flu shots only, no nasal mist will be available. Be sure to send the filled out flu shot form back i...

October 18, 2018
The annual Tour of Homes is set for Saturday, May 18th and we are looking for homes! I know it seems early, but homes need to be confirmed by early March in order to meet printin...

October 17, 2018
Thank you Heather Himel Bowen and Sadie Watkins organizing and leading it. I think everyone had a great time 😀

October 16, 2018
Washington Elementary School Waddlers rocked the Fayetteville Firefighters Hero Half Marathon Kids Run on Sunday, October 14 th . Thanks to Coach Kevin Thomas for supporting and...

October 15, 2018
Participate in Spirit Week - October 22-26

October 15, 2018
Please send to the office today. Thanks for your help!

October 15, 2018
Next week, Oct.15th -19th is National School Lunch Week and we are going to show our Lunch Ladies how much we appreciate all that they do for our kids. PTO will be decorating and...

October 15, 2018
Thank you to Ms. Holt and Ms. Buonaiuto for all the time invested into the 4th graders. There was much music, art and memories!

October 10, 2018
Volunteers needed for Flu Clinic: Afternoon of Tuesday, October 30
Our school nurse needs people to assist the nurses in completing paperwork, helping with lines and crowd co...

October 10, 2018
PTO needs help with this year's Haunted House for the Fall Festival. Please contact Casey Hamaker - casey.hamaker@gmail.com

October 5, 2018
Plan to attend the FAMILY NIGHT CONNECTION Pumpkin Painting with Mrs. Bowen and Ms. Felkins on October 16th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Make a Halloween craft with your family! It's fu...

October 4, 2018
Pizza (including vegetarian and gluten free options)
Skip the line!! Pre-order your armbands. Return order form to the school by October 15. Armbands will be ...

October 4, 2018
PTO News, Melissa Werner, President
Bikes, Blues, and BBQ Parking Fundraiser Update: It looks like we made $8,398! That is higher than last year!
A sincere thank...

October 4, 2018
Local Harvest Lunch
October is National Farm to School Month! FPS Child Nutrition invites you to join your student on Friday, October 19, for a locally-sourced lunch ...

October 3, 2018
The library was awarded a grant from the Fayetteville Public Education Foundation to purchase more nonfiction science and math books! Look for those books on the shelves by W...

October 3, 2018
Join us on Thursday, October 11, 2018, for the 4th Grade Night of the Arts. The students will present their musical, “Down Home in the Arkansas”. Afterwards you will be able to s...

September 20, 2018
What is Teacher In-service? A teacher in-service day brings teachers together to enhance teaching skills, learn and prepare for new changes in the state curriculum, discuss g...

September 20, 2018
Help with our Washington Elementary fundraiser! Sign up at the school or call the office.

September 20, 2018
Last Wednesday we filled all orders received and determined we were short many adult shirts. Those that were shorted orders, had notes sent home with your child. I will also send ...