August 31, 2022
Order your school pictures today on mylifetouch.com. Pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 8th. Watch Monday Papers your child brings home to get your Picture Day ID. O...

August 31, 2022
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Washington Elementary Fall picture day is September 8th.

August 26, 2022
Wednesday, September 7th at 5:30 will be our annual Learning Launch. PTO will kick off the evening with fun and exciting ways to get involved and then parents will head off to thei...

August 7, 2022
Wednesday, August 10
5:00-6:30 p.m. Deails: 5:00-5:30 Orientation for All, Principal Welcome with FAQ’s 5:30-5:45 Stations with nurse info, bus, Free/Reduced Lunch Sheets and...

May 26, 2022
At their May 26 meeting the Fayetteville Board of Education voted unanimously to name the new middle school the John L Colbert Middle School in honor of Superintendent Dr. John L ...
May 26, 2022
The Fayetteville Board of Education voted unanimously to approve the recommendation of Superintendent Dr. John L Colbert of four individuals to assume the principal positions at B...

May 26, 2022
Washington Families - The Chose Love Team will be selling popsicles tomorrow for $1.00 at Field Day. All proceeds will go to Seven Hills Homeless Shelter. Let's practice C...

May 20, 2022
Help us celebrate the end of the school year with an Ice Cream Social and Soc Hop! This is a free event for Washington students and their immediate family. It will be held Tue...

May 17, 2022
PTO PLANT GIVEAWAY - Sunday, May 22 from 12 - 5 pm the PTO will be giving away the irises that are planted in front of the school. The reason for this is because the school is g...

May 13, 2022
PTO will be giving away the IRISES that are planted in front of the school on Sunday, May 22nd from 12 - 5 pm. The reason for this is because the school is getting new windows ov...

May 13, 2022
Washington Elementary is celebrating Speech Pathologist Appreciation Day on Wednesday, May 18th and we want to thank Charrisece Craft for her hard work with students that need her...

May 9, 2022
The 2022 annual school election will be held on Tuesday, May 24 in conjunction with the Primary Election in Arkansas. Only one seat on the Fayetteville Board of Education is up fo...

May 4, 2022
We want to wish school Nurse Gorton a very happy Nurses Day! Your compassion, optimism and kindness do not go unnoticed. Washington Elementary wants to take a momenment to recog...

May 4, 2022
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - PTO MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 12th from 6-7 pm in the Library. Childcare provided for school age children.

May 3, 2022
Happy School Lunch Hero Day! Thank you for all you do for our school! You nourish the lives of our students by filling their tummies and being a positive influence in their live...

May 2, 2022
After 30 years in educaiton, Ashley McLarty is retiring. Please drop in as we celebrate and honor her dedication to education. The party is Wednesday, May 18th in the library fro...

April 29, 2022
We want to show appreciation to our SUPER PRINCIPAL, Ashley McLarty, who shows her super powers by helping students to build character as well as inspires dreams, encourages creat...

April 29, 2022
Teacher Appreciation Week starts Monday! Here are some fun ways for kids to get involved

April 26, 2022
ALL STUDENTS Meet your teacher night for the 2022-23 school year is August 11, 2022 from 6:00pm - 6:30 pm See the office staff for important information for the new school year...

April 26, 2022
Be ready and excited about your first day of school at Washington! Kindertargen Camp consists of three mornings for Washington Elementary's upcoming kindergarten students. Thi...