At the April 25 meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Education, Mascot Task Force co-chair Holly Johnson presented the recommendations from the task force to align the mascots of Ramay and Woodland Jr. High Schools with the vision and mission of Fayetteville Public Schools. Task force co-chair Stacy Leeds was unable to attend. The task force approved the following recommendations:
- Both schools will keep current colors of red and blue
- Schools phase-in the purchase of uniforms to minimize financial impacts
- Moving forward from this time, each school will minimize the use of cowboys and Indians, concentrating on using the "W" and the "R" in printed materials, t-shirts, etc.
- New mascots will not use human imagery or symbols associated with culture, nationality, race, or ethnicity
- The mascot selection process be mirrored at both schools
The process will follow this recommended schedule for 2019:
- April/May - announcement about mascot transition process
- August 15-September 15 - district all-call for mascot submissions
- FPS will work with the two principals to create the mascot submission form- it will be ready by the start of the 2019-2020 school year. The form will provide the option for people to enter their name, relationship with the school and other comments such as reasoning for the mascot submitted or what you would like to see a mascot represent.
- Each school will have developed a committee for the review process, to be in place by September 15
- Committees will have 13 members composed of:
- 3 staff
- Principal
- 1 Task Force member
- 2 alumni in 9-12th grade
- 2 eighth grade students
- 2 seventh grade students
- 2 parents
- September 15 - October 15: the school committees will sort through submissions and narrow the selection to up to 5 choices (preferably 3)
- During this time the two committees will meet jointly at least once prior to final ballot distribution to discuss submissions and ensure the mascots that will be voted on are not the same and address any other concerns or questions.
- October 15-November 15: school-based vote
- All school employees and students will be allowed one vote; the mascot that receives the majority vote will be the winner
- December 1 announce new mascots